May 15, 2013

Glenfiddich 15yo Solera reserve

I've been wanting to sample this whisky since I read about it a few days ago, but didn't think I could afford the $50 price tag (with my car in the shop and all.) As luck would have it, my local spirits and wine store had a sample pack of all three years for $15.99!! Oh yeah, you bet your sweet ass I got it!!
This is Gini from the Barrel House in El Paso Texas. She kicks ass and I only get my booze from her. Here is what I thought of the Glenfiddich 15yo. 

Nose: I got a hint of raisins at first. Then the smell of sherry comes through. It also has a light, smokey smell.
Taste: It starts right away with the sherry flavor and was surprisingly smooth. It begins to develop with a classy swagger. I got that taste of raisins I smelled, as well as dried fruits, followed by a smokey and woodsy flavor. Nothing about this was bitter nor overly sweet. It lingers for a while and smooths out nicely.
Adding a drop of water made it develop too fast and I didn't get to enjoy the flavors. But it did mellow out the alcohol without too much sacrifice. Mixing this with a soft drink, or anything for that matter, would be a shame and a waste of your money. Use something cheap and low shelf like Jack Daniels old no7 for that.
I would not recommend drinking cold or with ice, room temp is best or you will kill the aromatic flavors. I let it sit for 5 minutes so that it got the chance to open up.

I would most definitely pay $50 for a bottle, time and time again. I would recommend to my friends and family.
Bottoms up!!

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